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Books us to attend your private event with our new mobile clinic room.

30 min
Customer's Place

Service Description

When booking us to attend your community, sporting or private event, we bring our fully equipped mobile clinic room with all the creature comforts. Custom packages tailor made to be the perfect fit for your event. Attending a community event where the public pays for their individual sessions, or a price per hour at your private event where your guests enjoy our services with your compliments. Shorter 30 minute appointments start from $55, though to our full range of injury, recovery and 90 minute luxury relaxation. Making us an affordable attraction to any community or private event. Or request a quote for full service coverage per hour. Great for Weddings, corporate and sporting events where services are complimentary provided by the host. Please contact us directly for a quotes and bookings

Contact Details

+ 0421399515

Aspire Clinic WA, 55B Main Street, Cunderdin WA, Australia

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